Differences between one-way communication and two-way communication

Hello dear friends here you will get about differences between one-way communication and two-way communication. When information flows in one direction (sender to receiver) is called one way communication. When information flows between both directions (sender and receiver) is called two way communications. On the other hand, the differences one way communication and two way communication are as follows:

Basis, One way communication, Two way communication.
1. Objective: One way communication Transmitting of information to the sender.  Two way communication Sharing of information between two or more parties in a constructive exchange.

2. Nature: One way communication is when information is shared to others without a response. Two way communications involves information being shared back and forth.

3. Feedback: One way communication There is no receiver response. So feedback is no needed. Two way communication There is a receiver response in this communication. So, feedback is essential.

4. Autocracy: One way communication It is critic in nature and  Two way communication It is democratic in nature.

5. Power exercise: One way communication Highly power exercise by the sender. Two way communication Both parties have opportunity to power exercise.

6. Complexity: One way communication It is simple type of communication. Two way communication It is more complex type of communication.

7. Time: One way communication Sender waste less time. Two way communication Sender waste long time.

8. Orderliness: One way communication It is more orderly than two way communication.  Two way communication It is less orderly than one way communication.

9. Accuracy: One way communication  It does not ensure accurate understanding of the message. Two way communication It ensures a more accurate understanding of the message.

10. Formality: One way communication It is less formal. Two way communication It is more formal.

11. Completeness: One way communication It is not complete communication system due to the absence of feedback. Two way communication It is complete communication system due to the presence of feedback.

12. Understanding: One way communication It does not create better understanding within the sender and receiver. Two way communication It creates better understanding within the sender and receiver.

13. Effectiveness: One way communication Effectiveness is very low. Two way communication Effectiveness is very high.

14. Example: One way communication Posting a memo for staff members to read, Radio-TV broadcast etc. Two way communication Staff meeting where information is given and staff members are permitted to ask questions and give their input.


Differences between one-way communication and two-way communication

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