Factors influencing the effective communication process

Hello dear friends here you will get Factors influencing the effective communication process, Effective communication process, Process of effective communication.  

Effective communication is possible in nearly all circumstances. There is more to communicating effectively than simply saying the right words at the right time. It’s difficult to adequately convey the thoughts or feelings to another person efficiently and successfully. Mainly things affect effective communication, no matter what the situation, from work-related memos and text messages to presentations and casual conversation. Knowing the factors that can prohibit effective communication lets achieve the meaning simply and articulately.

1. Non verbal communication: Not all communication is spoken. Self growth states that about 90 percent of communication is nonverbal, meaning that people’s bodies don’t always say the same thing their mouths say. Avoid distracting gestures like tapping your foot, shaking your leg or looking around when speaking or listening. Make sure your body matches up with your words to communicate effective.

2. Preparation effective communication process: Level of preparation for any commutation dictates how effectively you will get your message across. Even for things as simple as text messages or casual conversations, think about what you want to say and how you want to say it beforehand. If you have time to prepare for a lecture, presentation of business meeting, make notes and ready yourself to answer questions and take advice. The effective communication process.

3. Knowing the audience: The key to effective communication knows the audience and adjusting speech, body language and reactions to appropriately reflect the situation. If a speaker has good ideas about the audience, he/she will effectively communicate his message to an audience. Use appropriate language and body language depending on whom you are talking to. Adapt to your audience so you both get the most out of the exchange.

4. Effective listening: To communicate effectively, you have to speak precisely and persuasively, but you also have to listen. Maintain eye contact and listen to everything the other person says so you can respond directly to her rather than simply saying what you were going to say anyway. When people listen to and learn from each other, they communicate more efficiently and honestly.

5. Personal space: The distance people prefer in interactions with others. Middle-class North Americans use definite distances in various interpersonal relationships, along with specific voice tones and body language.
(a) Intimate; touching – 1.5 feet
(b) Personal: 1.5 – 4 feet
(c) Social: 4 – 12 feet
(d) Public 12-15 feet

6. Role and relationships: Roles and relationships between sender and receiver affect the content and responses in the communication process. Choice of words, sentence structure, message content and channel, body language, and tone of voice vary considerably from role to role. The effective communication process.

7. Communication environment: Environment greatly affects to communication. If you have a meeting in a boardroom or a busy restaurant, the environment can cause distractions, discomfort or monotony. Communicate in an environment that is spacious, comfortable and relevant to what you will talk about.

8. Past experience: Past experience (which may be positive or negative) strongly affects the effectiveness of further communication between same sender and receiver.

9. Development: Language and communication skills develop through various stages. Infant or toddlers rely on nonverbal communication. Children may sue pictures as an adjunct to verbal language to communicate. Adolescents or adults rely on verbal language. Older adults may use visual communication methods for hearing impaired or aural communication for visually impaired. The effective communication process.

10. Gender: Males and females communicate differently. Males use communication to establish independence and negotiate status in a group. Females use communication to seek confirmation, minimize differences and establish or reinforce intimacy. The same communication may be interpreted differently by a man and a woman.

11. Sociocultural characteristics: Culture, education, economic level can influence communication. Body language, eye contact, and touch are influenced by cultural beliefs about appropriate communication behavior. Education level may affect the extent of their vocabulary or their ability to access written communication. Many people use the internet or e-mail to communicate but not everyone can afford a computer or have access to one.

12. Values and perceptions: Each person has unique personality traits, values and life experiences each will perceive and interpret messages and experiences differently. It is important for the nurse to be aware of a client’s values and to validate or correct perceptions to avoid creating barriers in the nurse-client relationship.

13. Congruence: Verbal and nonverbal aspects of the messages may be match. This helps the client to more redial trust the nurse. It also helps to prevent miscommunication. The effective communication process.

14. Interpersonal attitudes: Attitudes convey beliefs, thoughts and feelings about people and events. Attitudes are communicated convincingly and rapidly to others such as caring, warmth, respect and acceptance facilitate communication. Condescension, lack of interest, and coldness inhibit communication.

15. Others:
  • Ability of individual to send and receive messages
  • Differences in educational qualifications
  • Positional differences
  • Social status
  • Time
  • Misunderstanding
  • Emotions and self-esteem etc.
Please go to this link for more information about Characteristics of business effective communication.  


Factors influencing the effective communication process

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