New principles of communication
Hello dear friends here you will get Principles of communication Or Essential requirement of communication Or Qualities of communication.Improved communication is the key to managerial success. To ensure better communication, certain principles are to be followed. Principles are the standards which guides the communicational activities. The basic principles of communication are discussed below:
1. Clarity principles of communication: The message prepared for communication should be clear. Clarity means getting the meaning of messages accurately from the head of the sender into head of the receiver. An ambiguous message will not be able to make effective communication. When the subject matter is clearly presented communication becomes effective.
2. Completeness principle of communication: The subject matter of communication should be complete. It should not be partial or incomplete message. Complete message contains all necessary facts and information that the readers or receivers need to understand. The receiver should get a clear idea about the subject matter. Incomplete message create confusion or misinterpret or irritated the readers or receivers.
3. Correctness principle of communication: The facts and information provided in the message should be accurate and correct languages. Any wrong information in the message may create confusions. As a result, communication failure may occur.
4. Conciseness principle of communication: A message should be as short as possible. Concise means saying to sender in a fewest possible words. It saves time and expanse for both sender and receiver. The reader may feel disturbed in receiving a long message. Moreover, business executives do not have much time to go through a long message. But the necessary information should be given in the message.
5. Concreteness principle of communication: concrete means exactness, specific, definite or vivid rather than vaguer or general. Business communication use words that form sharp and clear manning in readers mind.
6. Consideration principle of communication: consideration means that the sender prepares every message keeping the receiver in mind. Here the sender should consider the problems, desire, circumstances, emotion and probable reactions of the reader or receiver.
7. Courtesy principle of communication: Courtesy means polite behavior or good manner. It involves being aware of the perspective of others and their feelings. Writing or speaking in conversational tone, emphasizes on readers viewpoint, and carefully selecting positive words which will generate courtesy.
8. Objective oriented principle of communication: Every work of human being should be specific objective oriented. Aimless work or communication cannot bear any fruitful result. The language or words of communication should reflect the intention of the communicator, so, the communication should aware of the objective of communication clearly.
9. Consistency principle of communication: Communication should be purposeful and related to the particular subject one after another. Conflicting or unrelated message can affect the communication process.
10. Consciousness principle of communication: Another principle of communication is the consciousness of the subject matter of message. But it should be complete, relevant and informational. When messages are presented in a concise manner, it becomes effective.
11. Simplicity principle of communication: Subject matter of communication should be simple and understandable. This should be presented in a simple way. The language of communication should be easy to understand. Excessive ornamentation and any kind of ambiguity should be avoided.
12. Planning principle of communication: Before communicating a plan should be prepared. Unplanned communication cannot be effective. Relevant information should be collected from different sources and an appropriate plan should be developed.
13. Time consideration principal of communication: Proper time must be determined while communicating anything. If communication is not making in time, it will not be effective. That’s why time of communication should be considered.
14. Language control principle of communication: The language of communication should be simple. The communicator should use simple sentence and common words. Ornamentation should be avoided in the message. The communicator should be careful in selecting words and forming sentences.
15. Use of media or channel principle of communication: Communication is made through mediums. But all media are not equally effective. Suitable media should be selected each time while sending any message.
16. Relevancy principal of communication: The subject matter of communication should be relevant. Irrelevant talks and information create adverse action to the readers of the message. So, irrelevant matters should be eliminated from the message.
17. Feedback principle of communication: Another principle of communication is the feedback. It is the reaction or response of the receiver to the sender. Feedback is essential to complete any communication process.
Please go to this link for more information about What is the Principles of Business Communication.
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