Business applications of verbal/oral communication

A significant portion of the overall business communication is oral or verbal communication. From routine factions to major decision making in all cases information and ideas exchanged through oral media. Thus it is clear that oral communication is used in different areas of a business. Uses or applications of verbal communication are as follows:
1. Giving directions:
Within the office, managers can give directions to the subordinates through oral communication.
2. Meeting:
Use of verbal communication is essential in a meeting. Participants express their views verbally during meeting.
3. Motivation:
Verbal communication also used to motivate subordinates. Positive comments and friendly tones of manager make the subordinates enthusiastic and dedicated.
4. Means of control:
Another application of verbal communication is, it is also used as a means of control. Especially supervisors use oral communication to control the activities of lower level employees.
5. Maintaining relationship with consumers:
In most of the cases companies maintain relationship with consumers through either face-to-face or telephone conversation.
6. Interview:
Verbal communication also used for conducting interview of prospective employees.
7. Employee counseling:
To manage employee stress or organizational violence managers often use counseling, where views are exchanged by oral communication.
8. Response to inquiries:
Organizations also need to use verbal communication to response the inquiries of outsiders over telephone.
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