What factors should be considered for the preparation of a perfect resume?
Here you will get How common mistakes of a resume can be eliminated?, What factors should be considered for the preparation of a perfect resume?, The checklist for effective resume. Preparation of a perfect CV.Writing an effective resume is one of the preconditions of getting a job. Following factors should be considered to prepare a perfect resume.
1. Desired style: Resume should be prepared in that style which is desired by the situation. For example, a chronological style should be followed by a person who has past job experiences in different firms. On the other hand, an individual who is just entering in the job market for the first time should follow functional style in preparation of the resume.
2. Avoid excessive use of personal pronoun: Too much use of personal pronouns should be avoided. 3. Provide contact information: Complete and accurate mailing address should be provided in the CV for future contacts.
4. Specific career objective: Applicant should clearly mention his/her career goal. Specific mentioning of career objective is explained positively.
5. Showing interest: To be successful a candidate should express interest to the company and also to the profession.
6. Listing educational qualification: Communication experts advocated that “The most recent on last academic degree should appear first.” Other qualifications also should be mentioned along with the name of institutions and year of passing.
7. Job experience: In mentioning job experience, duration of the job designation, name and location of the firm, achievement or rewards etc. should be clearly stated.
8. Personal data: Personal data is an indispensable part of a CV. Thus the common trend is to include personal data in detail in the first section of the resume.
9. Use familiar words: For better acceptance applicant should use familiar words which are easily understandable by all.
10. References: The names of relatives and present employers should not be given as reference.

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