How listening skill can be improved?
Hello dear friends here you will get How can one be a better listener?, The guidelines for effective listening, How listening skill can be improved?, Paano pakikinig kakayahan mapapabuti? Friend i guess here you will get advantage from this article. I have written an articles What are the different types of listening? last day.Poor listening leads to miscommunication. Sometimes we failed to understand the fact that listening is the indispensable part of oral communication. Thus to ensure effective oral communication. Thus to ensure effective oral communication one need to be a good listener.
Thill and Bovee advocated that, “To be a good listener, very the way you listen to suit various situations. “That is we can say listening is situational. Listener should try to listen differently in different situation by evaluating the speaker’s attitude.
Guidelines for effective listening are as follows:
1. Judge content:
To be a better listener one should judge the content of the message.
2. Increase your vocabulary:
Unfamiliar words can be easily misunderstood. Thus to be a good listener an individual need to increase his/her vocabulary.
3. Consider non-verbal signals:
Communication experts suggested that a good listener should not concentrate only on the oral messages, rather he/she must consider the non-verbal cues of the speaker. That is the eye movement, facial expression, tone of voice and body movements also should be considered.
The most popular ten (10) guidelines for effective listening are as follows:
1. Stop talking:
Unfortunately, most of us prefer talking to listening. Even when we are not talking, we are inclined to concentrate on what to say nest rather than on listening to what is being said. So you must stop talking before you can listen.
2. Put the talker at ease:
If you make the talker fell at ease, she or she will do a better job of talking. Then you will have better input with which to work.
3. Show the talker you want to listen:
If you can convince the talker that you are listening to understand rather than to oppose, you will help create a climate for information exchange. Specifically, you should look and act interested. Doing things like reading, looking at your watch, and looking away distracts the talker.
4. Remove distraction:
Certain activates can also distract the talker. So don’t doodle, tap with your pencil, shuffle papers or the like.
5. Empathize with the talker:
If you place yourself in the talker’s position and look at things from her or his point of view, you will help create a climate of understanding. With such a climate established, a true exchange of information can result.
6. Be patient:
You will need to allow the talker plenty of time. Remember that not everyone can get to the point as quickly and clearly as you. And do not interrupt. Interruptions merely serve as barriers to information exchange.
7. Hold your temper:
From our review of the workings of our mental fitters, we know that angry minds do not contribute to communication. Angry people build walls among themselves. They harden their positions and block their minds to other’s words.
8. Go easy on argument and criticism:
Argument and criticism tend to put the talker on the defensive. Thus, he or she tends to “clam up” or get angry. Even if you win the argument, you lose. Rarely does either party benefit from such controversy.
9. Ask Questions:
By frequently asking questions. You display an open mind. You show that you are listening. You also help develop the message and ensure correctness of meaning.
10. Stop talking:
This last commandment was also the first. All other commandments depend on it.
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